Jun 25Liked by Chris K. Jones

Chris, just a quick note that I really enjoy the world you've built in Headcase (Empire stadium, the Tides, etc.). It feels like a quintessential New York story...makes me miss being around such an amazing city. Keep posting these chapters!

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Hello Mike! Thank you so much for your enthusiastic support! Building the world of Headcase was a blast, I talk about it a bit in the Authormentory videos, you can check them out on my Substack home page. Yes, NYC is definitely and active character in the Headcase series! So much to work with! There is only one more free chapter to go. But as a free subscriber you can download the first seven chapters. There was a button in the sign-up email, if you cannot find it, message me and I'll send you the link. Just a FYI: paid subscribers will get the full ebook of Shock & Denial, plus the serialized version of the 2nd book in the series called The Inevitable, which will come out later this summer!

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